l've been watching videos of DJs at work. The clubbers amuse me. It's as if their feet are riveted to the floor and they "jog" from the knees up. Taken out of context it's fascinating. As if their mechanisms gone. Like they've been possessed and another organism's in the driving seat and spreads into every cell. Most perplexing.
Paintings based around isolation, covid19 and the effects of social media.
A slightly despondent look at the figure and how we feel today.
An interesting assortment of bright and lively contemporary figures with slightly altered perspective.
Modern, geometric art, all a bit abstract really. Mostly bright and cheerful paintings that you can easily loose yourself in.
A modern art interpretation of Illuminated Manuscripts, and how it works with or as graffiti.
Mostly blue paintings of the figure, slightly twisted and surreal but with a hint of sculpture about them.
Surreal cubist figures, painted in bright colours and generally in rooms.